Battle of Secessionville

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Other Names: James Island

Location: Charleston, South Carolina

Campaign: Operations against Charleston (June 1862)

Date: June 16, 1862

Principal Commanders: Brig. Gen. Henry Benham [US]; Brig. Gen. Nathan Evans [CS]

Forces Engaged: 8,600 total (US 6,600; CS 2,000)

Casualties and losses:  889 total (US 685; CS 204)

Result(s): Confederate victory

Brief Description:

Early June 1862, Maj. Gen. David Hunter transported Horatio G. Wright's and Isaac I. Stevens's Union divisions under immediate direction of Brig. Gen. Henry Benham to James Island where they entrenched at Grimball's Landing near the southern flank of the Confederate defenses. On June 16, contrary to Hunter's orders, Benham launched an unsuccessful frontal assault against Fort Lamar at Secessionville. Because Benham was said to have disobeyed orders, Hunter relieved him of command. On 27 June, Hunter ordered the abandonment of James Island and by 7 July, all Union forces were gone. On 26 Jan. 1863, Judge Advocate General of the United States Army Gen. Joseph Holt decided Benham's attack was justified and was not prohibited by the 10 June directive. However, Benham would never again be given a field command.