Battle of Boonsboro

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Other Names: None

Location: Washington County, Maryland

Campaign: Gettysburg Campaign (June-August 1863)

Date: July 8, 1863

Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. Alfred Pleasonton [US]; Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart [CS]

Forces Engaged: Divisions

Casualties and losses: 100 total

Result(s): Inconclusive

Brief Description:

On July 8, the Confederate cavalry, holding the South Mountain passes, fought a rearguard action against elements of the Union 1st and 3rd Cavalry Divisions and infantry. This action was one of a series of cavalry combats fought around Boonsboro, Hagerstown, and Williamsport. By mid-afternoon, the Union left under Kilpatrick crumbled as the Federals ran low on ammunition under increasing Confederate pressure. Stuart's advanced ended about 7 p.m., however, when Union infantry arrived—the first to engage in battle since Gettysburg. Stuart withdrew north to Funkstown, but he had gained another day for Lee's retreating army.