Second Battle of Springfield

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Other Names: None

Location: Springfield, Missouri

Campaign: Marmaduke's First Expedition into Missouri (1862-63)

Date: January 8, 1863

Principal Commanders: Brig. Gen. Egbert B. Brown [US]; Brig. Gen. John S. Marmaduke [CS]

Forces Engaged: Southwestern District of Missouri Troops (2,000) [US]; Trans-Mississippi Department (1,870) [CS]

Casualties and losses: 403 total (US 163; CS 240)

Result(s): Union victory

Brief Description:

Brig. Gen. John S. Marmaduke's expedition into Missouri reached Ozark, where it destroyed the Union post, and then approached Springfield on the morning of January 8, 1863. Springfield was an important Federal communications center and supply depot so the Rebels wished to destroy it. The Union army had constructed fortifications to defend the town. Their ranks, however, were depleted because Francis J. Herron's two divisions had not yet returned from their victory at Prairie Grove on December 7. After receiving a report on January 7 of the Rebels' approach, Brig. Gen. Egbert B. Brown set about preparing for the attack and rounding up additional troops. Around 10:00 am, the Confederates advanced in battle line to the attack. The day included desperate fighting with attacks and counterattacks until after dark, but the Federal troops held and the Rebels withdrew during the night. Brown had been wounded during the day. The Confederates appeared in force the next morning but retired without attacking. The Federal depot was successfully defended, and Union strength in the area continued.