Battle of Athens

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Other Names: None

Location: Athens, Alabama

Campaign: Operations in North Alabama (1864)

Date: January 26, 1864

Principal Commanders: Capt. Emil Adams [US]; Lt. Col. Moses W. Hannon [CS]

Forces Engaged:  9th Illinois Mounted Infantry [US]; 1st Alabama Cavalry [CS]

Casualties and losses: 50 total (US 20; CS 30)

Result(s):  Union victory

Brief Description:

The Union force was a company under Captain Emil Adams from the 9th Illinois Mounted Infantry regiment. The Confederate force was the 1st Alabama Cavalry, under Lieutenant Colonel Moses W. Hannon. Confederate cavalry, numbering about 600 men, attacked Athens, held by about 100 Union troops, around 4:00 am on the morning of January 26, 1864. After a two-hour battle, the Confederates retreated. Union forces, although greatly outnumbered and without fortifications, repulsed the attackers.