Battle of Cove Mountain

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Other Names: None

Location: Wythe County, Virginia (Crockett Cove)

Campaign: Crook-Averell Raid on the Virginia & Tennessee Railroad (May 1864)

Date: May 10, 1864

Principal Commanders: Brig. Gen. William W. Averell [US]; Brig. Gen. William. E. Jones [CS]

Forces Engaged: 2,019 [US]; 4,000 [CS]

Casualties and losses: 300 total

Result(s): Inconclusive

Brief Description:

On May 10, Brig. Gen. W.W. Averell's raiders encountered a brigade under William "Grumble" Jones near Cove Mountain. After delaying the Union advance, the Confederates withdrew. The next day, Averell reached the New River Bridge on the Virginia & Tennessee Railroad, which he burned. Averell praised his command, saying it "attacked and held a superior force of the enemy near Wytheville on the 10th instant, thereby enabling another column to accomplish its purpose without the opposition of overwhelming numbers". Numerous changes happened to the leaders of the battle during the remaining portion of the year.