First Battle of Saltville

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Other Names: None

Location: Smyth County, Virginia

Campaign: Burbridge's Raid into Southwest Virginia (September-October 1864)

Date: October 2, 1864

Principal Commanders: Brig. Gen. Stephen Burbridge [US]; Brig. Gen. Alfred E. Jackson [CS]

Forces Engaged: Divisions (11,000 total)

Casualties and losses: 458 total

Result(s): Confederate victory

Brief Description:

Union cavalry and infantry raiders led by Brig. Gen. Stephen Burbridge attempted to destroy the saltworks near Saltville. He was delayed at Clinch Mountain and Laurel Gap by a makeshift Confederate force, enabling Brig. Gen. Alfred E. Jackson to concentrate troops near Saltville to meet him. On the morning of October 1, the Federals attacked but made little headway. Confederate reinforcements continued to arrive during the day. After day-long fighting, Burbridge retired without accomplishing his objective. Afterwards, Confederate soldiers were said to have murdered, captured, and wounded black soldiers. Felix Huston Robertson was never tried for his role in the massacre. He died on April 20, 1928, at the age of 89. However, Champ Ferguson did stand trial immediately after the war. He was tried by a military court in Nashville, Tennessee, for this and other non-military killings. He was found guilty of 22 murders and sentenced to death by hanging. He was executed at the Tennessee State Prison on October 29, 1865.