Battle of Jenkins' Ferry

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Other Names: None

Location: Jenkins' Ferry, southwest of Little Rock (present-day Grant County, Arkansas)

Campaign: Camden Expedition (1864)

Date: April 30, 1864

Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. Fred Steele [US]; Gen. E. Kirby Smith [CS]

Forces Engaged: Department of Arkansas [US]; Army of Arkansas [CS]

Casualties and losses: 964 total (US 521; CS 443)

Result(s): Union victory

Brief Description:

Maj. Gen. Fred Steele's forces retreated from Camden after being mauled at Marks' Mills and Poison Spring. On the afternoon of April 29, the Union forces reached Jenkins' Ferry and began crossing the Saline River, which was swollen by heavy rain. Rebel forces arrived on the 30th and attacked repeatedly. The Federals repulsed the attacks and finally crossed with all their men and supply wagons, many of which they were compelled to abandon in the swamp north of Saline. The Confederates bungled a good chance to destroy Steele's army, which after crossing the river, regrouped at Little Rock. Considering the numbers engaged and percentage of casualties, the Jenkins' Ferry battle was one of the Civil War's bloodiest battles. Both armies paid dearly for the engagement.