Battle of Middle Boggy Depot

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Other Names: Middle Boggy

Location: Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory, near present-day Allen, Oklahoma

Campaign: Operations in the Indian Territory (1864)

Date: February 13, 1864

Principal Commanders: Maj. Charles Willette [US]; Lt. Col. John Jumper [CS]

Forces Engaged: 14th Kansas Cavalry (350), 2 howitzers [US]; Seminole Battalion, 1st Choctaw and Chickasaw Cavalry, 20th Texas Regiment (90) [CS]

Casualties and losses: 47

Result(s):  Union victory

Brief Description:

While on an expedition in February 1864 to meet, defeat or destroy Confederate forces in Indian Territory, Union Maj. Charles Willette and his troops surprised a Confederate force at Middle Boggy Depot on February 13. Although poorly armed, the Rebels made a determined stand for a half hour before retiring. The Union forces killed 47 Confederates during this short fight. Fear of the arrival of fresh Confederate forces influenced the Federals to retire to Fort Gibson. During Col. John F. Phillips's Indian Territory expedition, he and his men fought with and dispersed numerous Confederate forces. Middle Boggy Depot was, perhaps, the largest encounter during the expedition. Col. Phillips camped at a site called Camp Kansas on the night after the battle. By now, he knew that the remainder of the 14th Cavalry would not be coming to his assistance.