Battle of Prairie D'Ane

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Other Names: Gum Grove, Moscow

Location: Near Moscow Church, south of Prescott (present-day Nevada County, Arkansas)

Campaign: Camden Expedition (1864)

Date: April 9-13, 1864

Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. Fred Steele [US]; Maj. Gen. Sterling Price [CS]

Forces Engaged: Department of Arkansas [US]; District of Arkansas [CS]

Casualties and losses: 150

Result(s): Union victory

Brief Description:

On April 10, Maj. Gen. Fred Steele's Union forces, combined with Brig. Gen. John M. Thayer's division, marched south from the Cornelius Farm. They soon encountered a Confederate line of battle at Prairie D'Ane and attacked, driving it back about a mile before being checked. Skirmishing continued throughout the afternoon of April 11, forcing Steele to divert line of march forces away from Shreveport toward Camden. Maj. Gen. Sterling Price's Confederates returned to Prairie D'Ane on April 13, falling upon Steele's rearguard under Thayer. After a four-hour battle, Price disengaged, and Steele's column continued to Camden, occupying the city. After suffering the loss of nearly 500 supply wagons and 1200 mules in bitter and ferocious ambushes upon Union supply trains at Poison Springs on 18 April, and Marks Mills on 25 April, Steele decided to retreat from south Arkansas in order to save his army.