Second Battle of Saltville

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Other Names: None

Location: Saltville, Virginia

Campaign: Stoneman's Raid into Southwest Virginia (December 1864)

Date: December 20-21, 1864

Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. George Stoneman [US]; Maj. Gen. John C. Breckinridge [CS]

Forces Engaged: 4,500 [US]; 2,800 [CS]

Casualties and losses: Unknown

Result(s): Union victory

Brief Description:

After defeating a Confederate force at Marion on the December 17-18, Stoneman's expedition advanced to Saltville. After determined skirmishing on the part of the outnumbered Confederate defenders, the Federals captured and destroyed the saltworks, accomplishing the objective of their raid. Burbridge joined the fight shortly after and the two Federal columns overwhelmed the town's defenses. Colonel Preston ordered a retreat, and Stoneman's troops entered the town and destroyed the saltworks, accomplishing the objective of the Union raid.