VILLEPIGUE, John Bordenave

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Born: July 2 1830, Camden SC

Died: November 9 1862, Port Hudson LA

Pre-War Profession: Graduated West Point 1854, frontier duty, resigned March 1861.

War Service: 1861 Capt. of artillery, Lt. Col. of 1st Georgia Bn, defense of Pensacola, January 1862 Col. of 36th Georgia, transferred to Mobile, March 1862 Brig. Gen., command of Fort Pillow, commanded 2nd Bde/Lowell's Divn in Van Dorn's forces, Corinth (October 1862).

Post War: During the campaign he contracted a fever, and with the promise of a major general's commission, he was sent to Port Hudson, Louisiana, to recuperate. No sooner had he arrived there than his condition worsened and he died of pneumonia.