RANSOM, Matt Whitaker

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Born: October 8 1826, Warren Cty NC

Died: October 8 1904, nr Garysburg NC

Pre-War Profession: Lawyer, politician

War Service: 1861 Pvt. in 1st North Carolina, Lt. Col., Peninsula campaign, Seven Days, Malvern Hill (w), April 1862 Col. of 35th North Carolina, in Ransom's (his younger brother's) brigade, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, June 1863 Brig. Gen. succeeding his brother in command of his brigade, Plymouth, Weldon, Suffolk, Petersburg, Second Drewry's Bluff (w), Fort Stedman, Five Forks, Appomattox.

Post War: Lawyer, farmer, politician, US senator, minister to Mexico