LEE, Robert Edward

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Born: January 19 1807, Westmoreland Cty VA

Died: October 12 1870, Lexington VA

Pre-War Profession: Graduated West Point 1829, engineering duty, Mexican War, superintendent of West Point, 2nd Cavalry, commanded the forces that captured John Brown's body of men at Harper's Ferry, refused the offer of command of US forces at the outbreak of the War, resigned April 1861.

War Service: 1861 commander in chief of forces of Virginia, May 1861 Brig. Gen. in Confederate army, commanded forces in West Virginia, examined coastal defenses, August 1861 full General, military adviser to President Davis, took over command of ANV after J E Johnston was wounded, commanded ANV until the surrender at Appomattox, in 1865 he was made General in Chief of the Armies of the Confederate States.

Post War: President of Washington (later Washington and Lee) College.