KING, John Haskell

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Affiliation:  Union

Born: February 19 1820, either in Sackets Harbor NY or in Michigan

Died: April 7 1888, Washington DC

Pre-War Profession: Appointed 2nd Lt in US Army in 1837, Seminole war, Mexican War, frontier duty

War Service: 1861 brought 9 companies of regular troops from Texas to New York, Maj. in US 15th Infantry, Shiloh, advance on Corinth, Stone's River (w), November 1862 appointed Brig. Gen. of Volunteers, commanded 3rd Bde/ 1st Divn/XIV Corps at Chickamauga, commanded 2nd Bde/1st Divn/XIV Corps in Atlanta campaign, commanded a brigade in the Dist. of the Etowah.

Post War: Army service on the frontier, retired 1882