CROCKER, Marcellus Monroe

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Affiliation:  Union

Born:  February 6 1830, Franklin IN

Died: August 26 1865, Washington DC

Pre-War Profession: Attended West Point 1847-49, lawyer.

War Service: May 1961 Capt. in 2nd Iowa, Maj. , Lt. Col., December 1861 Col. in 13th Iowa, guarded railroads, commanded 1st Bde/1st Divn at Shiloh, advance on Corinth, November 1862 appointed Brig. Gen. of Volunteers, commanded 7th Divn/XVII Corps in Vicksburg campaign, raided in Louisiana, June 1864 offered to resign because of illness - not accepted, commanded 4th Divn/XVII Corps in Atlanta campaign, served in New Mexico, served in Washington,

Post War: He died of tuberculosis at Willard's Hotel on August 26, 1865, in Washington, D.C