Missouri - Union

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(AD)- African Descent
1st Regiment Cav. 1st Regiment State Militia Cav. 1st Battalion State Militia Cav.
1st Battalion Miss. Marine Brigade Cav. 1st Battalion Enrolled Militia Cav. 2nd Regiment Cav. "Merrill Horse"
2nd Regiment State Militia Cav. 2nd Battalion State Militia Cav. 3rd Regiment Cav.
3rd Regiment State Militia Cav.(Old) 3rd Regiment State Militia Cav.(New) 4th Regiment Cav.
4th Regiment State Militia Cav. 5th Regiment Cav. 5th Regiment State Militia Cav.(Old)
5th Regiment State Militia Cav.(New) 6th Regiment Cav. 6th Regiment State Militia Cav.
7th Regiment Cav. 7th Regiment State Militia Cav. 8th Regiment Cav.
8th Regiment State Militia Cav. 9th Regiment Cav. 9th Regiment State Militia Cav.
10th Regiment Cav. 10th Regiment State Militia Cav. 11th Regiment Cav.
11th Regiment State Militia Cav. 12th Regiment Cav. 12th Regiment State Militia Cav.
13th Regiment Cav. 13th Regiment State Militia Cav. 14th Regiment Cav.
14th Regiment State Militia Cav. 15th Regiment Cav. 16th Regiment Cav.
Benton Hussars - Cav. Battalion Berry's Cav. Battalion Bishop's Cav. Battalion
Black Hawk Cav. Battalion Booneville State Militia Cav. Battalion Bowen's Cav. Battalion
Cass County Home Guard Cav. Battalion Company "A" 1st U.S. Reserve Corps Cav. Fremont's Body Guard
Fremont Hussars Fremont Rangers Hawkin's Cav. Company
Hollan Horse U.S. Reserve Corps Irish Dragoons/Naughton's Cav. Co. Loring's Cav. Company
McFadden's State Militia Cav. Co. Mountain Rangers Osage Rifles
Schofield's Hussars Soboleski's Ind. Company Rangers Stewart's Cav. Battalion
White's Cav. Battalion

Artillery & Engineers
Backoff's Battalion Lt. Art. Cavender's Battalion Lt. Art. 1st Battery State Militia Lt. Art.
1st Regiment Lt. Art. 1st Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "A" 1st Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "B"
1st Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "C" 1st Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "D" 1st Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "E"
1st Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "F" 1st Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "G" 1st Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "H"
1st Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "I" 1st Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "K" 1st Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "L"
1st Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "M" 2nd Regiment Lt. Art. 2nd Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "A"
2nd Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "B" 2nd Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "C" 2nd Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "D"
2nd Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "E" 2nd Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "F" 2nd Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "G"
2nd Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "H" 2nd Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "I" 2nd Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "K"
2nd Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "L" 2nd Regiment Lt. Art., Battery "M" Buell's Ind. Battery Lt. Art.
Graessele's Ind. Battery Light Art. Johnson's State Militia Bat. Lt. Art. Joyce's Battery Lt. Art.
Knispel's Battery Lt. Art. Kowald's Battery Lt. Art. Landgraeber's Battery Horse Art.
Lindsay's Battery Lt. Art. Lovejoy's Battery Lt. Art. McClanahan's Battery Lt. Art.
Mann's Independent Battery Lt. Art. Pfenninghausen's Battery Lt. Art. Schofield's Battery "A", Lt. Art.
Schwartz's Battery Lt. Art. Walling's Battery Waschman's Battery Lt. Art.
Welfley's Ind. Battery Light Art. Bissell's Eng. Regiment of the West 1st Regiment Engineers
Balz's Company Sappers and Miners Gerster's Ind. Company Pioneers Smith's Ind. Company Telegraph Corps
Wolster's Ind. Company Sappers and Miners

Birge's Reg. Western Sharpshooters 1st Batt. State Militia Infantry/td> 1st Batt. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry
1st Batt. Mississippi Marine Brigade Inf. 1st Batt. St. Louis City Guard Infantry 1st Reg. Infantry (3 mo.)
1st Reg. U.S. Reserve Corps Inf. (3 mo.) 1st Reg. U.S. Reserve Corps Inf. (3 yrs.) 1st Northeast Reg. Infantry
1st Reg. State Militia Infantry 1st Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 1st Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry
1st Reg. Infantry (AD) 1st Reg. St. Louis City Guard Infantry 2nd Batt. State Militia Infantry
2nd Batt. St. Louis Cty Guard Inf. 2nd Batt. St. Louis Cty Guard Inf. (AD) 2nd Reg. Infantry (3 mo.)
2nd Reg. Infantry (3 yrs.) 2nd Reg. U.S. Reserve Corps Infantry (3 mo.) 2nd Reg. U.S. Reserve Corps Infantry (3 yrs.)
2nd Reg. Northeast Infantry 2nd Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 2nd Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry
2nd Reg. Infantry (AD) 2nd Reg. St. Louis City Guard Infantry 3rd Batt. State Militia Infantry
3rd Batt. St. Louis City Guard Infantry 3rd Reg. Infantry (3 mo.) 3rd Reg. Infantry (3 yrs.)
3rd Reg. U.S. Reserve Corps Infantry (3 mo.) 3rd Reg. U.S. Reserve Corps Infantry (3 yrs.) 3rd Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry
3rd Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry 3rd Reg. Infantry (AD) 3rd Reg. St. Louis City Guard Infantry
4th Batt. State Militia Infantry 4th Reg. Infantry (3 mo.) 4th Reg. Infantry (3 yrs.)
4th Reg. U.S. Reserve Corps Infantry (3 mo.) 4th Reg. U.S. Reserve Corps Infantry (3 yrs.) 4th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry
4th Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry 4th Reg. Infantry (AD) 4th Reg. St. Louis City Guard Infantry
5th Reg. Infantry (3 mo.) 5th Reg. Infantry (3 yrs.) 5th Reg. State Militia Infantry
5th Reg. U.S. Reserve Corps (3 mo.) 5th Reg. U.S. Reserve Corps (3 yrs.) 5th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry
5th Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry 5th Reg. St. Louis City Guard 6th Batt. State Militia Infantry
6th Reg. Infantry 6th Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Inf. 7th Batt. Ste. Militia Infantry
7th Reg. Infantry 8th Reg. Infantry 9th Reg. Infantry
10th Reg. Infantry 11th Reg. Infantry 12th Reg. Infantry
13th Reg. Infantry 14th Reg. Infantry 14th Reg. Home Guard Infantry
15th Reg. Infantry 15th Reg. Home Guard Infantry 16th Reg. Infantry
17th Reg. Infantry 18th Reg. Infantry 19th Reg. Infantry
20th Reg. Infantry 21st Reg. Infantry 22nd Reg. Infantry
23rd Reg. Infantry 24th Reg. Infantry 25th Reg. Infantry
26th Reg. Infantry 27th Reg. Infantry 27th Reg. Mounted Infantry
29th Reg. Infantry 30th Reg. Infantry 31st Reg. Infantry
32nd Reg. Infantry 33rd Reg. Infantry 34th Reg. Infantry
35th Reg. Infantry 36th Reg. Infantry 37th Reg. Infantry
38th Reg. Infantry 39th Reg. Infantry 40th Reg. Infantry
41st Reg. Infantry 42nd Reg. Infantry 43rd Reg. Infantry
44th Reg. Infantry 45th Reg. Infantry 46th Reg. Infantry
47th Reg. Infantry 48th Reg. Infantry 49th Reg. Infantry
50th Reg. Infantry 51st Reg. Infantry 52nd Reg. Infantry
53rd Reg. Infantry 54th Reg. Infantry 55th Reg. Infantry
56th Reg. Infantry 57th Reg. Infantry 58th Reg. Infantry
59th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 60th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 61st Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry
61st Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Inf. 62nd Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 63rd Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry
64th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 65th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 66th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry
66th Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry 67th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 67th Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry
68th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 69th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 69th Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry
70th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 71st Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 72nd Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry
72nd Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry 73rd Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 74th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry
75th Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry 76th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 77th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry
78th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 79th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 80th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry
80th Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry 81st Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry 82nd Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry
82rd Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry 85th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 86th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry
87th Reg. Prov. Enrolled Militia Infantry 88th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry 89th Reg. Enrolled Militia Infantry
Bayles' Ind. Company Inf. Benton Cadets - Ind. Company Inf. Dietrich's Ind. Company Inf.
Gasconade County Batt. Reserve Corps Inf. Krekel's Ind. Company Reserve Corps Inf. Nagle's Ind. Company Reserve Corps Inf.
Osterhaus' Batt. Inf. Peabody's Ind. Batt. Reserve Corps Inf. Phelps' Ind. Reg. Inf.
Van Horn's Batt. Reserve Corps Inf. Albree's Batt. Ste. Militia Inf. Burns' Batt. Ste. Militia Inf.
Coxs' Batt. Ste. Militia Inf. Craynor's Reg. Ste. Militia Inf. Dallmeyer's Reg. Ste. Militia Inf.
Fagg's Reg. Ste. Militia Inf. Grundy County Batt. Ste. Militia Inf. Harrison County Batt. Ste. Militia Inf.
James' Batt. Ste. Militia Inf. Joseph's Batt. Ste. Militia Inf. Kimball's Reg. Ste. Militia Inf.
Mercer County Batt. Ste. Militia Inf. Richardson's Reg. Ste. Militia Inf. Simpson's Reg. Ste. Militia Inf.
Thompson's Batt. Ste. Militia Inf. Ward's Company Ste. Militia Inf. Wash. County Batt. Ste. Militia Inf.

Missouri Home Guard
Adair County Home Guard Mtd. Inf. Adair County Home Guard Co. Inf. Allen's Citizen Corps Home Guard
Benton County Home Guard Regiment Inf. Booneville Bn. Home Guard Inf. Brookfield Co. Home Guard Inf.
Caldwell County Co. Home Guard Inf. Cape Girardeau Bn. Home Guard Inf. Carondelet County Co. Home Guard Inf.
Cass County Regiment Home Guard Inf. Clinton County Co. Home Guard Inf. Cole County Regiment Home Guard Inf.
Dallas County Regiment Home Guard Inf. Dekalb County Regiment Home Guard Inf. Desoto County Regiment Home Guard Inf.
Douglas County Co. Home Guard Inf. Franklin County Regiment Home Guard Inf. Fremont Rangers Home Guard Inf.
Gasconade County Bn. Home Guard Inf. Green County Co. Home Guard Inf. Gentry County Regiment Home Guard Inf.
Green Counties Co. Home Guard Inf. Harrison County Regiment Home Guard Inf. Jefferson City Bn. Home Guard Inf.
Johnson County Regiment Home Guard Inf. King's Co. Railroad Guard Knox County Regiment Home Guard Inf.
Lawrence County Regiment Home Guard Inf. Lewis County Co. Home Guard Inf. Lexington County Co. Home Guard Inf.
Livingston County Co. Home Guard Inf. Marion County Bn. Home Guard Inf. Moniteau County Co. Home Guard Inf.
Nodaway County Regiment Home Guard Inf. Osage County Bn. Home Guard Inf. Osage/Hickory County Reg./Home Guard Inf.
Ozark County Regiment Home Guard Inf. Pacific Bn. (Ink's) Home Guard Inf. Pettis County Regiment Home Guard Inf.
Phelps County Co. Home Guard Inf. Phelps County Co. Home Guard Inf. Pike County Regiment Home Guard Inf.
Pilot Knob Co. Home Guard Inf. Polk County Regiment Home Guard Inf. Potosi County Regiment Home Guard Inf.
Putnam County Home Guard Inf. St. Charles County Bn. Home Guard Inf. Scott County Bn. Home Guard Inf.
Sibley Point Home Guard Co. Stonas Ind. Co. Home Guard Inf. Stone Prairie Co. Home Guard Inf.
Stone County Regiment Home Guard Inf. Shawneetown Home Guard Co. Inf. Sullivan County Home Guard Inf.
Shelby County Co. Home Guard Inf. Webster County Regiment Home Guard Inf.

Militia Organizations
Andrew County Militia Audrian County Militia Bates County Militia
Bogard Citizens Guard Bollinger County Militia Boone County Militia
Bridges' N Missouri Railroad Militia Buchanon County Enrolled Militia Buchanon County Union Guard
Calhoun Citizens Corps Calloway County Militia Calloway County Enrolled Militia
Camden County Militia Cape Girardeau County Militia Carroll County Militia
Chariton County Militia Clay County Militia Clay County Enrolled Militia
Clinton County Enrolled Militia Cooper and Moniteau County Militia Cooper County Militia
Dallas County Militia Dekalb County Militia Howard County Militia
Jackson County Militia Jasper County Militia Johnson County Militia
Lafayette County Militia Lawrence County Militia Linn County Militia
Livingston County Militia Maries County Militia Mississippi County Enrolled Militia
Mississippi County Militia Morgan County Militia Newman's Provisional Enrolled Militia
Osage and Marias Counties Militia Osage County Militia Pacific Railroad Militia
Perry County Militia Pettis County Militia Pike County Enrolled Militia
Ray County Militia Rolla Battalion Citizens Guard St. Clair County Militia
Saline County Militia Scott County Enrolled Militia SW Branch Pacific Railroad Militia
Stone County Militia Tanney County Militia Warren County Militia
Washington County Militia Wright County Militia